Tomkov-photo is the photography business of Tamas Kovacs.
Tamas Kovacs is a Hungarian born photographer. He has started his studies in photography during the years he spent in Bristol. After the second year of the course of City of Bristol College, as a student at University of Plymouth he moved to Plymouth so he could attain the BA qualification in 2023. He has written an extended dissertation about the connection of artificial intelligence and photography.
Tamas Kovacs is a Hungarian born photographer. He has started his studies in photography during the years he spent in Bristol. After the second year of the course of City of Bristol College, as a student at University of Plymouth he moved to Plymouth so he could attain the BA qualification in 2023. He has written an extended dissertation about the connection of artificial intelligence and photography.
In September of 2023 Tamas has continued his studies at Arts University Plymouth. During the MA Photography programme his research is around the representation of nature with the use of photogrammetry and data-visualisation techniques in video game engines. His interest in media philosophies and the new technologies around photography helps him to find new ways to explore the issues of the nature-machine-human triangle.
Tamas is familiar with a wide range of photographic techniques. besides the more traditional camera based photographies he gained experience of working with drones and modern 3D technologies such as digital (algorithmic) photogrammetry and lidar.
While Tamas has a strong aspiration towards a career in academia, his passion towards music and arts helped him to build up a photography business from his collaborative projects with various artists.
While Tamas has a strong aspiration towards a career in academia, his passion towards music and arts helped him to build up a photography business from his collaborative projects with various artists.